December 1, Worship Service
Reading of the Word: Revelation 7:9, 16-17
Message: The Star: Journey of Hope Rev. Beth Rolfs
First Sunday of Advent
Office Closed
The office will be open Tuesday, November 26 and closed for the remainder of the week as we celebrate Thanksgiving.
Christmas Cantata: Joy to the World
Join us Sunday, December 1st for the Cantata.
Love Offering for Staff
In appreciation for our staff’s diligent work this year, a love offering will be accepted for the next couple of weeks.
Christmas Parade Float
The children from Trinity and First United Methodist will have a float in the Christmas Parade Monday, December 2nd.
If you would like to donate candy or trinkets for them to throw, or money to help with decorating the float please see Donna Sebastian or Deborah Case.
Communion Rail Offering
Communion will be celebrated December 8th.
Angel Tree
The Angel Tree will go up later in December.
If your little angel was born this year, please turn in your name, the baby’s name and DOB to Patsy or Sandra no later than Sunday, November 24th.
Online Giving
If you are interested in setting up electronic giving (tithes) to Trinity UMC, you may currently do so through bill pay at your local bank.
With bill pay, you set up the amount and the frequency (weekly, monthly, etc.), and your bank issues and mails a check to Trinity. A few families are currently taking advantage of this service.
It is an easy way to make sure your intended giving gets done.
Pastor Contact Info
The pastor is available for visits, prayers, questions and conversations at various times daily. Feel free to contact by phone, email, messaging or the church FB page. Phone: 228-860-1480 Email Rev. Beth: You may also call the church office at 601-799-4567.
Parsonage Address: 201 Highland Parkway, Picayune, MS 39466
Secretary Office Hours:
Wednesday and Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.